Good dirt don’t hurt.
Although fertilizer, lime, and other modifications can be helpful in establishing happy, healthy plants and lawns, they pose a risk if not used properly. Excess fertilizer and chemicals wash away with rainwater and pollute our local streams and waterways. The first guideline of responsible fertilizer application is to take a soil sample and have it analyzed to determine fertilizer needs.
The Jefferson County Conservation District offers free soil testing for Louisville Metro residents through a partnership with the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service. Residents can request up to two tests per year at no cost. Residents can opt for a soil nutrient test and/or a soil lead test.
The Soil Testing Process
The Conservation District is able to provide 250 free tests per year. In order to have the cost waived, you must register with the Conservation District. Once you have registered, you will gather your samples and take them to the the Extension office. Here is a breakdown of the process.
Step 1: Register for a free soil test.
Fill out the Soil Test Registration Form.
Step 2: Gather your soil sample.
You’ll need a shovel and a bucket for this step. Each soil sample requires 10-15 extractions from random locations in your yard or testing site. Make sure to remove any plant matter from the soil. Once you have gathered all your soil, you’ll mix it all together to create the sample (1 pint/2 cups) that you will take to the Extension office.
Step 3: Take your sample to the Extension office.
You will take your soil sample to the extension office located at
4200 Gardiner View Avenue
Suite 101
Louisville, KY 40213
You’ll fill out a simple form and be on your way. Results will be mailed to you in about 3 weeks.

“We eat the food, drink the water, breathe the air, and enjoy the views, but only a few of us walk the fields and forests on a regular basis and understand what those lands need from us in order to sustain productivity for generations to come.”
— Neil Sampson, The Living Soil
Why should I test my soil?
Although fertilizer, lime, and other amendments can be very helpful in establishing happy, healthy plants, they pose a risk if not used properly. Excess fertilizer and chemicals wash away with rainwater and pollute our local streams and waterways. The first guideline of responsible fertilizer application is to take a soil sample and have it analyzed to determine fertilizer needs.
Soil samples are analyzed for specific soil nutrients to determine proper application rates of fertilizer and lime for optimum plant growth. Routine analysis includes soil pH, P, and K. Completed soil test results, along with a recommendation on fertilization and liming, are mailed back to you.
How much does testing cost?
In order to promote the practice of soil testing, the Conservation District has developed a soil test incentive program to offset the cost of soil analysis for Louisville Metro residents. The Conservation District will provide 250 free tests available between July and June of each year. Residents can request up to two (2) free tests per household per year. Free tests are made available on a first come, first serve basis until the 250 tests limit has been reached. If you want any additional soil tests completed, it is $8 for a nutrient test and $22 for the contaminant test.
Where do I take my sample? Where are my samples tested?
You will take your soil sample to the extension office located at
4200 Gardiner View Avenue
Suite 101
Louisville, KY 40213
The soil nutrient test is completed by University of Kentucky labs. the soil lead test is completed by the University of Massachusetts labs.
If I have questions about my test results, who do I contact?
You will need to reach out to the County Extension Service at
(502) 569-2344 or