Congratulations on taking the next step to being a good soil steward!
Now, you will need to take a soil sample.
You will need to gather a soil sample for each test (nutrient and/or lead) you applied for. Once you have gathered your soil sample, you will take it to the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service - more on that later. Right now, let’s focus on that sample!
Materials You’ll Need
Shovel or spade (or a sampling tube if you’re fancy)
A clean bucket
Newspaper or cardboard
Receptacle for soil submission (reusable container, plastic bag, or brown paper bag will work)
You’ll be taking 10-15 samples from your testing area. These samples should be from random locations through your testing site. If you are doing your lawn, you will need to sample the front and back yards separately. Each sample will need to be taken to the proper depth.
Lawn……………….……....3 inches
Flower Garden………4 - 6 inches
Shrub Beds……………6 - 8 inches
Vegetable Garden.…4 - 6 inches
Trees………………...…4 - 8 inches
Pasture………………..4 - 6 inches
Corn/Soybeans…to plow depth
How To Take a Good Sample
Step 1:
Take your spade or shovel and dig a “v” shaped hole to the proper depth.
Step 2:
Obtain a once-inch slice of soil from the surface of the ground to the bottom of your “v”. Think of this slice similar to cutting a slice of watermelon.
Step 3:
Once you have all 10+ soil samples, thoroughly mix all soil in your bucket, breaking up all large pieces or clumps.
Step 4:
Spread mixture on newspaper, cardboard, or a clean surface that you don’t mind getting dirty. Let it air dry. Do not heat yourself! Do not dry in places where fertilizer or manure may contaminate the sample.
Step 5:
Put one pint (2 cups) of your sample in a container to take to the Extension office. Once at the Extension Office you will need to transfer your soil to a soil bag. The Extension office will also have you fill out a soil sample information sheet to go along with your sample.
Please note: The Extension Office is currently closed to foot traffic due to COVID. Soil bags and information sheets are on a table in the hallway outside of the Extension Service Office. You will need to transfer your soil into a soil bag, mark the bag, and make sure to fill out the information sheet to leave with the sample. If you have questions, just knock on the door and someone will help.
Lastly, take your sample to the Extension office.
Drop off your soil sample at Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Services at 4200 Gardiner View Ave, Suite 101, Louisville, KY 40213
They will verify that your Google Form submission has been received and will tag your sample. Be sure to let the extension agent know what you plan on doing with your space so they can recommend the proper soil treatment for your use.
Soil samples are analyzed and laboratory reports will be mailed to the address you provided.
Questions? Email jeffersonswcd@gmail.com